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Sunday, May 3, 2015

While research is available to support the generally-held idea that hair loss treatment side effects are not serious enough to warrant medical concern, and in 1996 the FDA approved Rogaine with minoxidil for over-the-counter sale, you should still be careful if you are considering a hair loss treatment.
Side Effects From Minor To Serious
While some treatments for hair loss may produce either minimal or no side effects on their own, when used with other medications, their hair loss treatment side effects can be magnified. They may also produce unexpected side effects if the user has an underlying medical condition.
Users of Rogaine, for instance, have found that among its hair loss treatment side effects are scalp irritiation and itching, or dryness, redness, and flaky skin. All of these conditions, however, may be alleviated with a reliable dandruff shampoo; Rogaine, however, has very rarely caused some more serious hair loss treatments side effects which require medical attention.
They include blurred vision; a significant drop in blood pressure; rapid heartbeat; dizziness; headache; decrease libido or even impotence; sudden weight gain; and even chest pain.
A Surprising Hair Loss Treatment Side Effect
Another hair loss treatment side effect, which is not technically unintended, is that any areas of the body which come into contact with a topical hair loss treatment may begin to grow unwanted hair. Those using the topical treatments should be very careful to protect any skin on which they do not want new hair growth, and to wash their hands thoroughly after each application.
A Cosmetic Side Effect
Another of Rogaine's hair loss treatment side effects is that it can leave a user's hair looking greasy; this is a result of the Propylene Glycol in the original Rogaine Formula. Rogaine Foam, now available for men, eliminates the problem, but women can only use the over-the-counter 2% Rogaine solution.
Hair loss treatment side effects are, unfortunately, something to which their users will have to adjust, as hair loss treatments require a period of several months to produce visible results. And they all have to be applied once or twice a day.
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Natural Hair Loss Treatment - The Lost Art of Hair Repair

While there are certainly a number of medical treatments that offer great results, experts say that natural hair loss treatment can yield some of the best benefits for anyone concerned about the health of their hair. Most people choose to treat their hair loss with medications or surgery, such as Minoxidil or hair transplantation. However many people fail to realize that medication and surgery are costly and may carry some harmful side effects and risks. The safest and most cost efficient form of hair loss therapy is natural hair loss treatment, which includes healthy dieting, herbal remedies, exercise and proper hair care techniques. Natural hair loss treatment has become the "Lost Art" of hair repair and is often neglected as a form of treatment among the very pricey alternatives.
A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health, are good for your hair. Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will cause hair loss in most people. Foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content can help in maintaining healthier hair and preventing hair loss. For example, essential fatty acids, found in spinach, walnuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil, are important dietary essentials useful in keeping hair healthy. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in maintaining healthy hair. Insufficient levels of these essential fatty acids could lead to quicker hair loss.
A deficiency in vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 can also lead to excessive hair loss. Foods containing B vitamins, like liver, chicken, fish and soybean are important to healthy hair growth and natural hair loss treatment. Both vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are found in protein rich foods, which are needed to maintain natural hair growth. B vitamins are very essential to one's diet in order to prevent excessive hair loss. Certain vitamins and nutritional supplements are often necessary to restore protein levels which in turn, are useful in preventing hair loss. Increasing vitamin B intake in one's diet is a successful way to prevent or treat your hair loss naturally.
Alongside the concept of healthy eating of vitamins, minerals and nutrients are also the use of herbal remedies that are effective in preventing hair loss as a natural hair loss treatment. Among the herbs making medical headlines is Saw Palmetto. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating hair loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenic alopecia, the medical term for male or female pattern hair loss. While there are no clinical trials supporting this herb's usefulness as a natural hair loss treatment, there is some reliable research proving that it can slow down androgen activity within the hair follicle.

Nettles, usually taken in the form of Nettle Root Extract, has shown itself to be effective in 
preventing hair loss as well. Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, that are beneficial in inhibiting DHT production and promoting hair growth as a natural hair loss treatment. Other traditional herbs that are useful as natural hair loss treatments are green tea, licorice extract, horsetail, ginger, psoralea seeds, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and sage tea.
Research is constantly discovering modern forms of natural hair loss treatments. The list of treatments summarized in this article are only a fraction of the available natural therapies for hair loss. Everyone has some hair loss from day to day. In fact, it is normal to lose up to 100 strands of hair a day. However, some people lose a lot more hair than expected, due to genetic reasons, disease, medications, stress, injury, or an unhealthy diet. Regardless of the cause of hair loss, natural hair loss treatment, involving changes in diet and lifestyle, is the safest form of preventive hair treatment around. Catching your hair loss in its early stages and treating it naturally is among the best lines of defense in preventing excessive hair loss and the safest method for treating it.thank u

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment?

The question as to which is the best loss of hair treatments is one that has been coming up rather frequently in loss of hair treatments circles lately. It is an understandable question really, asked as it is typically by people who have just noticed their receding hairlines, and who are keen to get a product that will really sort their woes. The question as to what the best loss of hair treatment is is also an understandable one, when you take into consideration the huge number of hair treatments available today, and when you take into consideration the fact that the average person going through the hair loss crisis cannot be in a position to try each and every loss of hair treatment out there; hence the desire to know which the best one is, so that they can enlist its help in solving their hair loss woes. The question as to what the best hair loss treatment is is further justified by the fact that stories about people who spend considerable sums of money on what turned out to be woefully useless hair loss treatments (that did not deliver on their promises) abound, and naturally nobody wants to fall into the same trap - hence the desire to know what the best loss of hair treatment is before embarking on any course of treatment.
But while the question as to what the best hair-loss treatments is is so clearly justified, getting an answer to it is not always easy. Ask any hair loss treatment 'expert' what the best loss of hair treatment is, and they are likely to answer you with another question as to what you mean by 'best.' Turns out that what might be the best hair loss treatment in terms of speed of action is not likely to be the best loss of hair treatment in terms of safety, because heavy sacrifices on the safety profile are often made in a bid to make the speed of action possible. Similarly, what might be the best hair loss treatment in terms of safety might not necessarily be the best loss of hair treatment in terms of speed of action, because making the product 'ultra-safe' typically comes at the cost of drastically reducing the potency of the formulation. Further still, and in much the same way, what might be the best hair loss treatment in terms of effectiveness might not be the most affordable loss of hair treatment, because the extra effectiveness typically comes at an extra (financial) price.
Thankfully though, some hair-loss treatment makers have in the recent past been coming up with products that offer reasonably good compromises between the various elements that make a good loss of hair treatment. Taking the (lately) much hyped Zulvera hair loss treatment (which is marketed as the Zulvera shampoo), one has to appreciate that the makers of this Zulvera hair treatment aka Zulvera shampoo have on their hands a product that gives a glimpse as to what the future hair loss treatment might look like, in terms of efficacy, safety, speed of action and cost; as people continue looking for a product that is able to put all these attributes that make a good loss of hair treatment together in a single package.
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Know About Best Hair Loss Treatment Available

Although hair loss problem is a common problem among all individuals around the world, not every one feels really comfortable about the ultimate symptom of hair loss. Truly for someone baldness is a style statement, but for most of the individuals the hair loss phase is actually frustrating and embarrassing. Thinning of hair or diffused hair pattern is also associated with social stigma. An individual suffering from hair loss problem may undergo through low self esteem and lack of self confidence. But this is also true that in most of the cases, we are not enough aware of the critical aspect of the condition and may neglect it by considering a normal phenomena. However, when the problem persists, we usually ask for help in possible hair loss treatment from hair experts.
A wide array of possible hair loss treatments is available in the face of the earth and no one can identify only single one as the best possible solution for everyone. That means, hair loss treatment differs on individual preference and needs. You may have suffered from hair loss problem due to internal malfunctioning. In that case, the primary role of the health experts is to first identify the inherent cause of your problem as the first phase of the hair loss treatment. On the other hand, if you need to undergo through surgical intervention, only use of medicine might not be proven beneficial for you. This article focuses on various types of available hair loss treatment policies.
Anti-androgenic therapy
This therapy is particularly beneficial in the cases of hereditary hair thinning. The prevalence of hereditary hair thinning is one out of four among women in USA. In case of women, the version of this hair loss treatment is known as cyproterone acetate (CPA). In the case of man, excessive secretion of Di-hydrotestosterone (DHT) is found to be responsible for causing baldness as well as hair fall. If you are identified with the hair loss problem triggered by excess DHT secretion, it is quite common that your doctor will suggest you to undergo anti-androgenic therapy as the part of hair loss treatment. It is a time-consuming therapeutic approach that may last even for one year or more.

Hormonal Balancing
It is quite possible if you are going through hair loss problems that you are having hormonal imbalance in your health system. It may occur due to menopausal stage, or if you have experienced recent pregnancy. Even acute stressors or traumatic experiences and anxieties may also cause hormonal disturbances. Specifically hormones secreted from pituitary gland and thyroid gland may cause hair loss problems, if imbalance occurs. In that case, you need to undergo through prescribed medicinal treatment as suggested by your doctor.
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is considered as one of the advanced therapeutic technique as a part of hair loss treatment. It can be done on both men and women. It promises you to provide fine line hair treatment which restores hair areas. In some cases, it is even hard to identify the area in the post-operative period. It is mainly done by stimulating hair follicles. This type of hair loss treatment is really expensive and is tough for everyone to take advantage of this treatment. Likewise any other surgical intervention, hair loss transplant includes a degree of risk associated with it. However, with the advanced technological help in medicinal area the risks have been possibly limited. Only, there is a chance of catching infection or pain during or after surgery. In some cases, bleeding also becomes an issue during surgical intervention.
Alternative Treatment
Not everyone is really willing to depend on chemical based treatment, especially at the initial phases of the problem. Those individuals largely depend on alternative approaches like herbal or Ayurvedic treatment procedures. These types of treatments prescribe using a wide range of herbs such as Basil, Holy Basil, Neem, Tulsi, Aloe Vera and many others.

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Natural Hair Loss Treatment - The Lost Art of Hair Repair

While there are certainly a number of medical treatments that offer great results, experts say that natural hair loss treatment can yield some of the best benefits for anyone concerned about the health of their hair. Most people choose to treat their hair loss with medications or surgery, such as Minoxidil or hair transplantation. However many people fail to realize that medication and surgery are costly and may carry some harmful side effects and risks. The safest and most cost efficient form of hair loss therapy is natural hair loss treatment, which includes healthy dieting, herbal remedies, exercise and proper hair care techniques. Natural hair loss treatment has become the "Lost Art" of hair repair and is often neglected as a form of treatment among the very pricey alternatives.
A fundamental principal in natural hair loss treatment is that the same foods that are good for your health, are good for your hair. Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will cause hair loss in most people. Foods that are high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and have reduced fat content can help in maintaining healthier hair and preventing hair loss. For example, essential fatty acids, found in spinach, walnuts, soy, tuna, sardines, sunflower seeds and canola oil, are important dietary essentials useful in keeping hair healthy. The omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids contain anti-inflammatory properties that are useful in maintaining healthy hair. Insufficient levels of these essential fatty acids could lead to quicker hair loss.
A deficiency in vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 can also lead to excessive hair loss. Foods containing B vitamins, like liver, chicken, fish and soybean are important to healthy hair growth and natural hair loss treatment. Both vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are found in protein rich foods, which are needed to maintain natural hair growth. B vitamins are very essential to one's diet in order to prevent excessive hair loss. Certain vitamins and nutritional supplements are often necessary to restore protein levels which in turn, are useful in preventing hair loss. Increasing vitamin B intake in one's diet is a successful way to prevent or treat your hair loss naturally.
Alongside the concept of healthy eating of vitamins, minerals and nutrients are also the use of herbal remedies that are effective in preventing hair loss as a natural hair loss treatment. Among the herbs making medical headlines is Saw Palmetto. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating hair loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenic alopecia, the medical term for male or female pattern hair loss. While there are no clinical trials supporting this herb's usefulness as a natural hair loss treatment, there is some reliable research proving that it can slow down androgen activity within the hair follicle.
Nettles, usually taken in the form of Nettle Root Extract, has shown itself to be effective in preventing hair loss as well. Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, that are beneficial in inhibiting DHT production and promoting hair growth as a natural hair loss treatment. Other traditional herbs that are useful as natural hair loss treatments are green tea, licorice extract, horsetail, ginger, psoralea seeds, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and sage tea.Research is constantly discovering modern forms of natural hair loss treatments. The list of treatments summarized in this article are only a fraction of the available natural therapies for hair loss. Everyone has some hair loss from day to day. In fact, it is normal to lose up to 100 strands of hair a day. However, some people lose a lot more hair than expected, due to genetic reasons, disease, medications, stress, injury, or an unhealthy diet. Regardless of the cause of hair loss, natural hair loss treatment, involving changes in diet and lifestyle, is the safest form of preventive hair treatment around. Catching your hair loss in its early stages and treating it naturally is among the best lines of defense in preventing excessive hair loss and the safest method for treating it.
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Doctor Recommended Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss is one of the biggest nightmares for both men and women. Due to hectic lifestyles, people have very less time to look after their health, which proves to be one of the main causes of hair loss. It is said that hair is the most important factor in determining their health condition. Hair loss not only occurs due to stressful routines and lifestyles, but can also be a hereditary problem.

There are various hair loss treatments available on the market, as hair loss is becoming a common phenomenon day by day and recently, there has been a lot of demand for these treatments. Though some of the many hair loss treatments may prove to be effective, there is always a certain risk factor attached to them. Generally, such treatments may result into side effects or may contain ingredients that may cause damage to the hair. Hence, it is advisable to consult a hair specialist rather than going directly for any kind of hair treatments available.

Doctor recommended hair loss treatments are a better option as they are prescribed according to individual hair loss problems. Normally the hair loss treatments recommended by doctors for men and women are different because of hair growth. It is observed that Proscar and Rogaine are the most commonly prescribed hair loss treatments by doctors for men whereas Minoxodil proves to be helpful for both men and women. These products are very effective but can have various side effects too and thus, they can be bought only with a doctor's prescription. Most doctors also recommend hair transplants to their patients but the only drawback of this treatment is that many people can not afford the associated expense as this treatment can be very expensive.

The first thing doctors do when dealing with hair loss treatments is to try and figure out the possible reasons behind a patient's hair loss problem and recommend treatments based on their hair texture and condition. This in turn helps to avoid side effects to a certain extent. The most common and effective hair loss treatment recommended by doctors is a proper diet with the right amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This kind of diet provides the required nutrients and strength to the hair and thereby prevents hair loss.

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